Ada Minielly

2014 - July 11th, 2023

Dear Ada,

There is not a second that passes that we are not reminded you are gone. You had such a quiet, big presence in our lives and your passing has left us heartbroken. We miss your thundering run down the stair when there was a knock at the door. We miss your constant banging on the sliding door when we weren’t letting you inside fast enough and your paw at our feet from under the kitchen table to let us know you were there waiting for anything to “drop”.

We miss your loud groan when the ear scratch hit just the right place and the way you would jump up on the couch and roll onto your back for a good belly rub. We miss your loud yawns and the way you would walk up and nudge us for a head scratch.

You were so happy to be with your family, waiting everyday at 3 by the door for your kids to come home and greet you. 9 years was not enough time with you Ada but we have always promised quality over quantity. The diagnosis was devastating but you gave us time.

You have left a big furry mark on this family. You taught us patience and kindness and unconditional love and we are forever grateful to have been your humans.

Ada, you are eternally loved and missed by,

Angela, Brad, Carter, Blake, Trey and even Gidget too.

Along with our many loved ones, relatives, friends and neighbours.


Moose Clarke


KC Marcotte