Reflections from a Hospice Veterinarian
My mission as a hospice vet is to inspire, educate, & empower pet parents along their pet’s life journey.
Guest Blog: The Top 5 Benefits of Owning a Pet: A Source of Joy and Well-Being
Discover the top 5 benefits of having a pet in your life. Dr. Erica reflects on these benefits in her personal life with her pets Porter, Cocoa & Ellie. Explore how we can help protect your precious human-animal bond.
The Compassion Movement: An Exploration of Animal & Human Hospice Care | Touring the Rotary Hospice Stratford Perth
A closer look at the similarities in human and animal hospice and palliative care, featuring two 2023 Business Excellence Award Recipients Black Creek Mobile Veterinary Services (Entrepreneur) and Rotary Hospice Stratford Perth (Non-Profit/Charity).
26 Powerful Pet Loss & Love Quotes
For pet lovers alike - those who have known pet loss, or those who may be currently navigating their pet’s end-of-life journey. Here are 26 beautiful quotes about both pet loss and pet love. May you find one (or more) that resonates with you and may they bring you comfort.
Anticipatory Grief: The Grief Journey that starts before pet loss
Anticipatory Grief: the grief experience before the death of a pet. Animal Hospice and Palliative Care Practitioners are uniquely trained to help support pet caregivers during this time.
| An In-Depth Article |
6 Reasons to Choose an In-Home Euthanasia For Your Pet
6 reasons why an In-Home Euthanasia Experience is the right choice for your pet & family with special true-live stories from Dr. Erica
Reflections from a Hospice Vet: Supporting Pet Parents on Social Media
Continuing our mission of honouring the bond, the life, and the love shared with pets with and without social media.
Reflections from a Hospice Vet: Giving back to our community
We support The Farley Foundation in helping people care for their pets.
Guest Blog: Journaling Through Pet Loss
50 journal prompts to help you through pet loss grief. The Ralph Site.
Reflections of a Hospice Vet: Pet Aftercare Q&A Series; Part 4
Demystifying pet aftercare for pet parents; Part 4
Reflections of a Hospice Vet: Pet Aftercare Q&A Series; Part 3
Demystifying pet aftercare for pet parents; Part 3
Guest Blog: The Healing Power of Sound
Local Canadian singer/songwriter Pamela Jane Gerrand shares how powerful sound can be in healing.
Reflections of a Hospice Vet: Pet Aftercare Q&A Series; Part 2
Demystifying pet aftercare for pet parents; Part 2
Guest Blog: Preparing For The Holiday Season With Your Senior Or Sick Pet
Melissa Trupia, DVM, CHPV, CVMA, CCRP (Veterinarian Certified in Hospice + Palliative Care, Acupuncture, and Physical Medicine) shares what considerations should be made for your pet over the holidays.
Reflection of a Hospice Vet: Beauty in the sadness of saying goodbye - Harley James’ story
The beautiful shared experience of Harley James last moments.
Reflections of a Hospice Vet: Pet Aftercare Q&A Series; Part 1
Demystifying pet aftercare for pet parents; Part 1
Reflections of a Hospice Vet: What is the Pet Lover’s Code?
Ten inalienable rights after the death of a special companion animal.
Guest Blog: Opening My Heart Again After Pet Loss
Pet Loss and Grief Specialist, Colleen Rolland speaks, about getting another pet after pet loss.
Reflections from a Hospice Vet: How do I do what I do?
Making a difference in the lives of pet families is meaningful work.
Reflections from a Hospice Vet: Writing a Memorial or Tribute for Your Pet
Thinking of writing a tribute for your pet? Here are some ideas to inspire you …
Smokey’s End-of-Life Journey: How my dual mindset of both veterinarian and pet caregiver lead to the creation of Black Creek Mobile Veterinary Services
How it all began - this is for you Smokey.