Reflections from a Hospice Veterinarian
My mission as a hospice vet is to inspire, educate, & empower pet parents along their pet’s life journey.
Anticipatory Grief: The Grief Journey that starts before pet loss
Anticipatory Grief: the grief experience before the death of a pet. Animal Hospice and Palliative Care Practitioners are uniquely trained to help support pet caregivers during this time.
| An In-Depth Article |
Reflections from a Hospice Vet: Supporting Pet Parents on Social Media
Continuing our mission of honouring the bond, the life, and the love shared with pets with and without social media.
Guest Blog: Journaling Through Pet Loss
50 journal prompts to help you through pet loss grief. The Ralph Site.
Reflections of a Hospice Vet: Pet Aftercare Q&A Series; Part 4
Demystifying pet aftercare for pet parents; Part 4
Reflections of a Hospice Vet: Pet Aftercare Q&A Series; Part 3
Demystifying pet aftercare for pet parents; Part 3
Reflections of a Hospice Vet: What is the Pet Lover’s Code?
Ten inalienable rights after the death of a special companion animal.
Guest Blog: Opening My Heart Again After Pet Loss
Pet Loss and Grief Specialist, Colleen Rolland speaks, about getting another pet after pet loss.
Reflections from a Hospice Vet: Writing a Memorial or Tribute for Your Pet
Thinking of writing a tribute for your pet? Here are some ideas to inspire you …
Smokey’s End-of-Life Journey: How my dual mindset of both veterinarian and pet caregiver lead to the creation of Black Creek Mobile Veterinary Services
How it all began - this is for you Smokey.